Least Free Numbers - Divide and Conquer Algorithm

I am reading the book "Pearls of a Functional Algorithm". Tried implementing the Divide and Transcend solution for the smallest toll free number problem.

minfree xs = minfrom 0 (length xs) xs

minfrom a 0 _  = a
minfrom a n xs = if m == b - a
                    then minfrom b (n-m) vs
                    else minfrom a (m)   us
    where b = a + 1 + (n `div` 2)
          (us,vs) = partition (<b) xs
          m = length us


But it doesn't work any faster than what you might call a "naive" solution. What does

import Data.List ((\\))
minfree' = head . (\\) [0..]


I do not know why this is so, what is wrong with the division and conquest algorithm and how to improve it.

Tried using BangPatterns

by implementing a version partition

that also returns the length of the first list in a tuple, so removes the extra traversal for m =length us

. None of them have improved.

It takes more than 5 seconds first, while the second does it almost instantly in ghci on input [0..9999999]



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1 answer

You have a pathological input that head . (\\) [0..]

takes O (N) time. \\

is defined as follows :

(\\) =  foldl (flip delete)


delete x xs

is an O (N) operation that removes the first x

from xs

. foldl (flip delete) xs ys

removes all elements ys

from the xs


In [0..] \\ [0..9999999]

we always find that the next item must be removed at the head of the list, so the result can be evaluated in linear time.

If you type minfree' (reverse [0..9999999])

in GHCi instead, it will take quadratic time and you will find that it almost never ends.

On the other hand, a divide and rest algorithm would not slow down the return entry.



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