Not enough memory error when processing large recordsets

I have a Windows Script host that executes a stored procedure on our database and returns a large set of records with about 225 columns (the number of columns depends on the query, it could increase significantly in the future).

var adUseServer = 2;
var adUseClient = 3;
var adOpenForwardOnly = 0;
var adLockReadOnly = 1;

var dbc = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.connection")

dbc.connectionString = "Driver={SQL Server};Server=MYDBSERVER;Database=MYDB;uid=USER;Pwd=PASSWORD;"
dbc.CursorLocation = adUseClient
dbc.connectionTimeout = 3600
dbc.commandTimeout = 3600

// Setup test table
WScript.echo( "Setting table..." );
dbc.execute( "IF OBJECT_ID(N'export_test', N'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE export_test;;" );
dbc.execute( "create table export_test ( channelID int )" );

// Changing to 130 works (for me)
for( var n = 1; n < 131; n++ )
    dbc.execute( "alter table export_test ADD test_" + n + " NVARCHAR(4000) DEFAULT '0' not null" );

WScript.echo( "Starting query..." );

var rsData = serverQuery( "Select * from export_test" )

WScript.echo( "Starting loop..." );

var count = 0;
while( rsData.eof == 0 )
    WScript.echo( count++ );

WScript.echo( "All done" );

function serverQuery( sql )
    var rsData = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.recordset");
    rsData.CursorLocation = adUseServer;
    rsData.CursorType = adOpenForwardOnly;
    rsData.LockType = adLockReadOnly;
    rsData.MaxRecords = 1;  // This makes no difference sql, dbc );

    return rsData;


When I execute this request with a client cursor, I get an "Out of memory" error; if I execute with the server cursor, I get an "Not enough memory to complete this operation" error.

I tried to minify the data, so not many rows are returned and the problem persists.

I was going to try "swapping" the results, but I'm afraid that after doing the job it won't help as I tried to reduce the rows returned and it didn't help, so I think it might be a large number of columns (which is dynamic and maybe more and more over time) is the root cause of the problem.

After reading on SO and other sites, I tried to change the size of the database log file to "unlimited growth", but it won't let me go back and go back to "max 2GB size", but that's a different problem (I think) as currently time he is not next to this si.

Does anyone have any further ideas or insight on this.



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1 answer

Correctly I basically summed it up that this was a limitation somewhere, so I created a COM object to offload this work and get back JSON or an XML version of the result data that I could use in my script.

For those concerned, below is the C # code (sorry if its a little cocky, I don't have anyone else to code review anymore as I'm the only developer right now):

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Xml;

 * To create strong name key for signing: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\Bin\sn" -k SQLInterchange_Key.snk"

namespace SQLInterchange
  [Guid( "4E97C259-80EC-40dc-8F7D-DB56BE9F123E" )]
  public interface ISQLInterchange
    [DispId( 1 )]
    bool Open( string databaseServer, string databaseName, string userID, string userPassword );

    [DispId( 2 )]
    void Close();

    [DispId( 3 )]
    bool ExecuteRecordset( string selCommand );

    [DispId( 4 )]
    void CloseRecordset();

    [DispId( 5 )]
    bool Execute( string selCommand );

    [DispId( 6 )]
    string GetJSONData();

    [DispId( 7 )]
    string GetXMLData( string recordElementName, bool encoded );

  // Events interface Database_COMObjectEvents 
  [Guid( "31A125AA-81D5-495b-86E6-7A4B24B08BAA" ),
    InterfaceType( ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIDispatch )]
  public interface SQLInterchange_Events

  [Guid( "6B0B6A04-3BAF-4e14-9770-A0C10425E2CE" ),
  public class Connection : ISQLInterchange
    private SqlConnection _connection = null;
    private SqlDataReader _reader = null;

    public Connection()

    public bool Open( string databaseServer, string databaseName, string userID, string userPassword  )
      // no need to throw as it throws a com compatible exception automatically

      string myConnectString = "user id=" + userID + ";password=" + userPassword +";Database=" + databaseName + ";Server=" + databaseServer + ";Connect Timeout=30";
      _connection = new SqlConnection( myConnectString );

      return true;

    public bool ExecuteRecordset( string selCommand )
      if( _reader != null )

      SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand( selCommand );
      myCommand.Connection = _connection;
      myCommand.CommandTimeout = 3600;
      _reader = myCommand.ExecuteReader();
      return true;

    public bool Execute( string selCommand )
      if( _reader != null )

      SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand( selCommand, _connection );
      myCommand.CommandTimeout = 3600;
      int rows = myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery();
      return true;

    public void Close()
      if( _connection != null )

    public void CloseRecordset()
      if( _reader != null )

    public string GetJSONData()
      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
      sb.Append( "[" );

      if( _reader != null )
        int count = _reader.FieldCount;

        StringBuilder sbRecord = new StringBuilder();
        while( _reader.Read() )

          if( sbRecord.Length > 0 )
            sbRecord.Append( "," );

          sbRecord.Append( "{" );

          // get the results of each column
          for( int n = 0; n < count; n++ )
            string name = _reader.GetName( n );
            string data = Convert.ToString( _reader[ n ] );

            sbRecord.Append( "\"" + _safeJSONElementName( name ) + "\":\"" );

            sbRecord.Append( _safeJSON( data ) );

            sbRecord.Append( "\"" );

            if( n + 1 < count )
              sbRecord.Append( "," );

          sbRecord.Append( "}" );

        sb.Append( sbRecord.ToString() );

      sb.Append( "]" );

      return sb.ToString();

    public string GetXMLData( string recordElementName, bool encoded )
      _lt = "<";
      _gt = ">";

      if( encoded )
        _lt = "&lt;";
        _gt = "&gt;";

      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

      if( _reader != null )
        int count = _reader.FieldCount;

        while( _reader.Read() )
          _addXMLElement( sb, recordElementName, 1, true );

          // get the results of each column
          for( int n = 0; n < count; n++ )
            string name = _reader.GetName( n );
            string data = Convert.ToString( _reader[ n ] );

            _addXMLElement( sb, name, 2, false );

            sb.Append( _escapeXML( data ) );

            _addXMLElement( sb, "/" + name, 0, true );

          _addXMLElement( sb, "/" + recordElementName, 1, true );

      return sb.ToString();

    private string _safeJSON( string s )
      s = s.Replace( "\n", "\\n" );
      s = s.Replace( "\r", "\\r" );
      s = s.Replace( "\t", "\\t" );
      s = s.Replace( "\"", "\\\"" );
      return s;

    private string _safeJSONElementName( string s )
      s = s.Replace( ".", "_" );
      s = s.Replace( " ", "_" );
      return s;

    private string _lt = "<";
    private string _gt = ">";

    private void _addXMLElement( StringBuilder sb, string s, int tabs, bool last )
      for( int n = 0; n < tabs; n++ )
        sb.Append( "\t" );
      sb.Append( _lt );
      sb.Append( s );
      sb.Append( _gt );
      if( last ) sb.Append( "\n" );

    private string _escapeXML( string unescaped )
      XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
      var node = doc.CreateElement("root");
      node.InnerText = unescaped;
      return node.InnerXml;





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