Golang: Gorilla sessions don't work for Kors

So, I have configured golang rest api. And on login I do this:

session, _ := store.New(r, sessionId)
session.Options.MaxAge = 12 * 3600
err := session.Save(r, w)
//treat error


and for checking the session I have something like this:

    session, err := store.Get(r, sessionId)
    //treat error
    if session.IsNew {
        http.Error(w, "Unauthorized session.", http.StatusUnauthorized)


If I run requests from the postman it works great, but when I make them from my client I get 401. Have any of you experienced something like this? The store is a CookieStore.

I already checked the id, I replaced the sessionId variable with a static string. Gorilla session uses gorilla context to register a new request and when I make a request from postman context.data[r]

it is not null but from client it is always null -> always new session.

https://github.com/gorilla/context/blob/master/context.go - line 33

it is called in

https://github.com/gorilla/sessions/blob/master/sessions.go - line 122

which is used in the CookieStore.Get function in

https://github.com/gorilla/sessions/blob/master/store.go - line 77

EDIT 1: For a client, I am using polymer and I tried xmlhttp too. Polymer:



and handlers

  onResponse: function(response){
    this.items = response.detail.response
  onError: function(error){
  ready: function(){
    this.requestUrl = "http://localhost:8080/api/fingerprint/company/" + getCookie("companyId");
    this.requestHeaders = {"Set-cookie": getCookie("api_token")}


and the cookie reaches the backend successfully.

And xmlhttp:

  var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
  xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
    if (xmlhttp.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE ) {
      if(xmlhttp.status == 200){
        //do stuff
      }else if(xmlhttp.status == 401){

  xmlhttp.open("GET","http://localhost:8080/api/fingerprint/company/" + getCookie("companyId"),true);
  xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Set-cookie", getCookie("api_token"));



So, I tried debugging with fiddler (thanks for the suggestion) and I found out that the request from the postman has bold input Cookies / Login

, and the request from the client doesn't. Any idea how to get / set this value? This is somehow automatically installed in Postman. In the authentication request, I get a set-cookie header that has all the data I need, but I can't get it on the client. I receive Refused to get unsafe header set-cookie



source to share

2 answers

The problem is that in the client the requests must have withCredentials = true

and after that the browser deals with everything. It receives cookie from header set-cookie

and sends cookies via header cookie

. So in the end it wasn't a gorilla session problem.



If anyone has the same problem I am facing and want to whitelist all domains / wildcards (or have a list of domains in an array that you can scan), you can do something like this.

domain_raw := r.Host
domain_host_parts := strings.Split(domain_raw, ".")
domain := domain_host_parts[1] + "." + domain_host_parts[2]
domains := getDomains() // stores a slice of all your allowable domains
has_domain := false
for _, d := range domains {
    if d == domain {
        has_domain = true

if has_domain == false {
} else {
    w.Header().Add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "https://"+domain_raw)
    w.Header().Add("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true")


I like to go



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