Using SQL Database Using Brilliant Queries

I want to use Shiny so that the user can create a data frame by accessing a SQL database. I want it to work like this (but open to suggestions):

  • User types in ID (its number)
  • User clicks an action button
  • Reactive request is generated
  • The request is sent and the data is fetched and added to the data frame
  • User types in the following ID ...

Here's my attempt:



  titlePanel("Generic grapher"),

  numericInput("wafer", label = h3("Select wafer ID:"), value = NULL),

  actionButton("do", "An action button")

    verbatimTextOutput("value"), verbatimTextOutput("que"), dataTableOutput(outputId="pos")




con = dbConnect(RMySQL::MySQL(), dbname="Test_DB", username="pete", password="xx", host="xx", port=3306)
query <-  function(...) dbGetQuery(con, ...) 

wq = data.frame()
df = data.frame()

shinyServer(function(input, output){

  d <- eventReactive(input$do, { input$wafer })

  output$value <- renderPrint({ d() }) 

  a <- reactive({ paste("Select id from wafer where wafer_id=",d(), sep="") })

  output$que <- renderPrint({ a() }) 

  wq <- reactive({ rbind(wq, query( a() )) })

  output$pos <- renderDataTable({ wq() })


When I run I can see that both Id and the request will print correctly. However, I am getting this error when launching applications:

error in evaluating the argument 'statement' in selecting a method for function 'dbGetQuery': Error:


Then when I enter the plate id I get:

Error in xi[[j]] : object of type 'closure' is not subsettable


I know from these posts:

R shiny ERROR: object of type "closure" is not a subset

Error in <my code>: object of type "closure" is not a subset

What I am trying to multiply the underlying R function without specifying the variable name ... but I feel stupid, I looked at it for a day and couldn't see it. Maybe all my code is a bad way to query SQL brilliantly? Any help is appreciated.

Oh yes, ok ... if I change this:

wq <- reactive({ rbind(wq, query( a() )) })



wq <- reactive({  query( a() ) })


Then I get the output. So sorry, I guess my question changes to how to then populate the df with each action button click?


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1 answer

Store your last object in the list, which you define as:

wq<- reactiveValues()


I am working on something similar with updating a model operator with reactively expressed interaction conditions. I had to use reactiveValues()

and isolate()

to get it to work. Joe Cheng has an example of Gist.

Here is the link. Maybe this will help you.

Best, NF



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