.Net MVC assigns ViewBag value to JavaScript script variable

I am trying to send a string value from my controller action on my View using View Bag like this

 public ActionResult Services()

        ViewBag.TabVal = "EarnMoney";
        return View();


In my view, I am assigning the View Bag value to a JavaScript variable like this

 @section scripts{

    var tab = @ViewBag.TabVal;


on my console I get this value

    <li id="EarnMoney"> EarnMoney</li>


which is the HTML element on my view.

Why is it selecting an item in my view and not returning a string in response? This is really strange behavior.


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3 answers

You are outputting the viewbag value directly to javascript without a quote, so it is not a string in javascript. The html generated from the server looked like this:

var tab = EarnMoney;


and since there is a dom element with that id, it selects that element instead of

Put your ViewBag output in a quote like this:

var tab = "@ViewBag.TabVal";




var tab = @ViewBag.TabVal;


When the Razor engine renders a view, the @ expression is replaced directly:

var tab = EarnMoney;


and hence the value will be what the JavaScript engine sees in the variable / property EarnMoney


You need to put quotes around whatever is substituted in the literal string:

var tab = "@ViewBag.TabVal";




you can get value from view bag using quote and @ sign

var tab = '@ViewBag.TabVal';




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