Updating just one column value using LINQ

Suppose I have a column ID in a table and I want to increase one of its column values ​​by 1. How do I do this.

This is what I already have. The table has 3 properties, (id, category, value)

var col1= db.columns.Where(w => w.category.Equals("Cars"));


I want to increase the value in a table that has the category "Cars" by 1. What is a LINQ query for this.

A similar question may have been asked before, but the answer I haven't seen seems to be satisfactory enough.


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4 answers

var col1= db.columns.Where(w => w.category.Equals("Cars"));
foreach (var item in col1)

catch (Exception ex)
   //Handle ex




You can use an extension method .ForEach

(you will need to enumerate first), but Linq should be used to query, not update values.

So use foreach

foreach (var car in col1) {
  car.value +=1;

//some method to save changes




You can just

  • create your query that will return what you want from db using where clause
  • Makes your changes to your code
  • Submit your changes

Here is an example on MSDN on how to update a row in DB link



this way works for me:

 var cols = dbContext.table_name.Where(w => w.columnName == parameterName);
            foreach(var item in cols)
                item.last_updated_date = dtNow;




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