Floating design with three columns and x rows and compatibility with optional padding

I've had this problem for quite some time now, but I don't know how I should say it. I apologize in advance if my title is vague / not descriptive enough.

I am trying to create a page where its three columns and the center column has a fixed distance between the left and right divs.

I'm looking for behavior similar to the image below, where adding a new div in the top left corner pushes all divs to the left and also keeps the spacing with the center column.

|[div] [div] [div]|         |[new] [div] [div]|
|[div] [div] [div]|         |[div] [div] [div]|
|[div] [div] [div]|         |[div] [div] [div]|
|[div] [div] [div]|         |[div] [div] [div]|
|[div]            |         |[div] [div]      |
|                 |


My best idea was to add spacing-divs, unfortunately this causes a margin problem. Because the divs dividers are just clickable.

|[div] [div] [div]|         |[new] [div] [div]|
|[div] [div] [div]|         | [div] [div]     |
|[div] [div] [div]|         | [div] [div]     |


I tried to do some css where the right border swallowed the div separator but I couldn't get anything to work.

I appreciate any feedback. If something is unclear about my question, feel free to ask for more information.

( https://jsfiddle.net/871tw4e7/ )


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1 answer

I solved my problem using nth-child.

a:first-child .child, a:nth-child(3n+1) .child{
a:nth-child(3n) .child{


This allowed me to remove the margin from the first and fourth elements, and also remove the right margin from every third.

This creates a layout where a new div can be added to the top of the page and still maintains the desired layout.

Here is a fiddle showing the results I was looking for. https://jsfiddle.net/9v7h4od5/

Initially, I also had a problem with nth-child, because I didn't take into account that when adding an anchor tag, it replaced the div as a child with the parent container.



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