Doctrine Proxy not found

I am trying to setup Symfony CMF using Doctrine PHPCR-ODM. Unfortunately, when I want to save some data from Sonata Admin to the database, I get the following exception:

Compile Error: Doctrine\Common\Proxy\AbstractProxyFactory::getProxyDefinition():
    Failed opening required 


I initialized the repository several times and also deleted the cache, but nothing helped.

Does anyone have an idea why this file is missing? How can this file be created?


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1 answer

I figured out what the problem is.

In the symfony2 config file, I had to add the following:

        auto_generate_proxy_classes: "%kernel.debug%"


For a production environment, you should call php app/console cache:warmup

to pre-create proxy classes for documents.

This should be done in a way that minimizes work in the production environment.



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