C ++ unicode string with boost
I want to use a unicode string in C ++ with any library that implements many of its routines. I want to work with boost libraries. And I found a local library . But I didn't find many people use it, did I? What can you tell from your experience about this library? Are there any other boost libraries that implement Unicode string string?
Some of my modules have a problem using other libraries. I don't want to link them to a lot of different libraries (acceleration is ok), but I need a Unicode string (mb class). Why Unicode? Mb some characters in strings will contain Japanese characters or from another language. And they should be regarded as English characters.
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I apologize for the self-promotion, but you may be interested in the answer I wrote here: What are the trade-offs between boost :: locale and std :: locale? comparing boost :: locale with std :: locale.
Depending on what you need to do with the text, boost :: locale is probably the best approach for adding unicode support to your C ++ code. This is especially true if you need cross platform support or want to use UTF-8 on Windows.
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