How do I select different values โ€‹โ€‹when using multiple LISTAGG () functions in a select clause?

I am trying to get race_code, chara_code and reason_code as a list using the following query:

       LISTAGG(a.rc, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY a.rc) AS race,
       LISTAGG(, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY as chara_codes,
       LISTAGG(a.rrc, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY a.rrc) AS removal_reason
          p.person_id pid,
          r.race_code rc,
          c.characteristic_code cc,
          rr.removal_reason_code rrc
     FROM person p left outer join race r on p.person_id = r.person_id
          left outer join characteristic c on p.person_id = c.person_id
          left outer join placement_episode pe on p.person_id = pe.child_id
          left outer join removal_reason rr on pe.placement_episode_id = rr.placement_episode_id
     ) a


I tried this request after linking to some links like link1 and link2 . But after that I also cannot get unique values โ€‹โ€‹for all fields.

My o / p fits like:

pid      race_code     chara_code      reason_code
 1        a,b,b,c     c1,c1,c2,c3     r1,r2,r3,r3
 2       a,c,d,d,d      c1,c2,c2        r3,r3

and so on.


If I try to get only one field at a time while keeping the necessary links, then it gives the correct result. But for several LISTAGG () functions, these are duplicate values.
I have no way to do this. Is there any other way that I can get different values?


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2 answers

This, unfortunately, is more difficult than necessary. But you can do it. The idea is to list each of the values โ€‹โ€‹and then use them case

to pass the argument NULL



       LISTAGG(CASE WHEN rc_seqnum = 1 THEN a.rc END, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY a.rc) AS race,
       LISTAGG(CASE WHEN cc_seqnum = 1 THEN END, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY as chara_codes,
       LISTAGG(CASE WHEN rrc_seqnum = 1 THEN a.rrc END, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY a.rrc) AS removal_reason
FROM (SELECT p.person_id as pid, r.race_code as rc, c.characteristic_code as cc,
              rr.removal_reason_code as rrc,
             row_number() over (partition by p.person_id, r.race_code order by r.race_code) as rc_seqnum,
             row_number() over (partition by p.person_id, c.characteristic_code order by c.characteristic_code) as cc_seqnum,
             row_number() over (partition by p.person_id, rr.removal_reason_code order by rr.removal_reason_code) as rrc_seqnum
      FROM person p left outer join race r on p.person_id = r.person_id
           left outer join characteristic c on p.person_id = c.person_id
           left outer join placement_episode pe on p.person_id = pe.child_id
           left outer join removal_reason rr on pe.placement_episode_id = rr.placement_episode_id
     ) a


The query is an enumeration of strings based on each person and combination of fields. The first time a value is visible, it is set to "1", subsequent values โ€‹โ€‹increase gradually. LISTAGG()

only selects the first value.

You should learn about analytic functions. They are very helpful.



You can use scalar subqueries like in this example:

select p.person_id
     , (select LISTAGG(rc, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY rc) 
          from race r where r.person_id = p.person_id
         group by r.person_id) race
     , (select LISTAGG(cc, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY cc) 
          from characteristic r where r.person_id = p.person_id
         group by r.person_id) chara_codes
     , (select LISTAGG(rrc, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY rrc) 
          from removal_reason r where r.person_id = p.person_id
         group by r.person_id) removal_reason
  from person p;


Or you can pre-copy the lists as in this example:

with race_list as (
  select person_id
       , LISTAGG(rc, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY rc) race
    from race
   group by person_id
), characteristic_list as (
  select person_id
       , LISTAGG(cc, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY cc) chara_codes
    from characteristic
   group by person_id
), removal_reason_list as (
  select person_id
       , LISTAGG(rrc, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY rrc) removal_reason
    from removal_reason
   group by person_id
select p.person_id
     , r.race
     , c.chara_codes
     , rr.removal_reason
  from person p
  join race_list r
    on r.person_id = p.person_id
  join characteristic_list c
    on c.person_id = p.person_id
  join removal_reason_list rr
    on rr.person_id = p.person_id;




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