Singleton class variable in swift?

I am trying to create a Singleton class where I want to create a UIImage instance.

In Objective-C

we can just declare the property in .h as

@property (nonatomic,strong)UIImage *pic;


and define sharedSingleton method in .m


   if (!sharedSingleton) {
       sharedSingleton=[[SingletonClass alloc]init];

   return sharedSingleton;


and call from any class using

 [SingletonClass sharedSingleton].pic


I've been looking for the last 2 hours but couldn't find ant a suitable tutorial to create this. please help me create a singleton class in swift and tell me how to call an instance variable.


source to share

1 answer

its very easy in quick

class SharedManager {
   static let sharedInstance = SharedManager()
   var pic = UIImage()


and access it

SharedManager.sharedInstance.pic = UIImage(named: "imagename")! 


Here is a very good tutorial about singleton



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