.NET 5 vNext Dependency Resolution with Parameters

I was able to resolve dependencies without parameterless vNext DI constructors .

But when I tried to specify a parameter for one of my dependencies, it gives a runtime error:

System.InvalidOperationException Unable to resolve service for type 'System.String' when trying to activate 'Namespace.MyService'


public MyService(string name)
    // initialize



private readonly IMyService _myService;
public Consumer(IMyService myService)
        // initialize
        _myService = myService;


I updated this dependency registration by adding:

services.AddInstance(new MyService("Hello"));


It only works if I update the constructor parameter of the Consumer class to use the type MyService

My initial registration:

services.AddTransient<IMyService, MyService>(); // Todo: configure constructor injection


I really want to use interfaces and not concrete classes for this process. How can I get this to work?


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3 answers

It's as simple as explicitly specifying the service type:

services.AddInstance<IMyService>(new MyService("Hello"));


The compiler will usually infer the generic type of the parameter, but you can always specify generic type arguments explicitly.



one more note, although there is little documentation on it yet, instead of taking the string in your constructor, take the IOptions class and put the string as a property of the options


and then if needed you can add properties to pass without changing the constructor



There is another approach, you can add a config class:

public class MyServiceConfig
    public MyServiceConfig(string name)
        // initialize

public class MyService
    public MyService(MyServiceConfig myServiceConfig)
        // initialize

services.AddInstance(new MyServiceConfig("Hello"));
services.AddTransient<IMyService, MyService>();




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