Passing a function from a parameter to a nested function

I would like to briefly run the following minimal piece of code:


surround = function(my.df, my.var, my.val, my.method) {
    ddply(my.df, my.var, summarize, value = my.method(

my.df = data.frame(group = rep(letters[1:4], times = 25),
                   x = rnorm(100))

surround(my.df, "group", "x", mean)


However, this leads to Error: could not find function "my.method"

. I understand this is a problem and I have to use eval

or substitute

, but I cannot figure it out.


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1 answer

If you use a custom function instead of summing it will work.

surround <- function(my.df, my.var, my.val, my.method) {
  ddply(my.df, my.var, function(x) c(value = my.method(x[[my.val]])))

my.df <- data.frame(group=rep(letters[1:4], times=25),

surround(my.df, "group", "x", mean)




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