Drawing nested network diagrams

I would like to know if there is a way to draw nested networkx plots in python.

I can successfully execute these plots by calling the nx.draw _ (...) method as described in the networkx files, but in the case where I use it, it requires one of the nodes to be a plot by itself (imagine a network of rooms , on the upper level with the zone / zone network in these rooms on the next level down). I would like to show this using matplotlib or similar.

Any ideas would be appreciated.


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1 answer

Edit You can probably do better than my original answer by defining a recursive function. Here's an example of what a recursive function would look like. My answer below gives a less elegant approach that can be easily customized for a specific case, but if you ever do this often, you will probably need this recursive version.

def recursive_draw(G,currentscalefactor=0.1,center_loc=(0,0),nodesize=300, shrink=0.1):
    pos = nx.spring_layout(G)
    scale(pos,currentscalefactor) #rescale distances to be smaller
    shift(pos,center_loc) #you'll have to write your own code to shift all positions to be centered at center_loc
    nx.draw(G,pos=pos, nodesize=nodesize)
    for node in G.nodes_iter():
        if type(node)==Graph: # or diGraph etc...
            recursive_draw(node,currentscalefactor=shrink*currentscalefactor,center_loc=pos[node], nodesize = nodesize*shrink, shrink=shrink)


If anyone creates a recursive function please add it as a separate answer and give me a comment. I'll point it out from this answer.

Original answer Here's the first pass (I hope by editing the full answer before the end of the day, but I think this will give you most of the way):

import networkx as nx
import pylab as py

G = nx.Graph()

H = nx.Graph()
H.add_edges_from([(1,2), (2,3), (1,3)])

I = nx.Graph()
I.add_edges_from([(1,3), (3,2)])


Gpos = nx.spring_layout(G)
Hpos = nx.spring_layout(H)
Ipos = nx.spring_layout(I)

scalefactor = 0.1
for node in H.nodes():
    Hpos[node] = Hpos[node]*scalefactor + Gpos[H]

for node in I.nodes():
    Ipos[node] = Ipos[node]*scalefactor + Gpos[I]

nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos = Gpos)
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos = Gpos, node_color = 'b', node_size = 15000, alpha = 0.5)
nx.draw(H, pos = Hpos, with_labels = True)
nx.draw(I, pos = Ipos, with_labels = True)


enter image description here

The main additional thing I think you should do is center each subzone. This will require defining xmin, xmax, ymin and ymax for each subheading and adjustment. You can play with the scalefactor as well.



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