Can PMovmskb have a 64-bit destination?

Using NASM version 2.11.08, the following are easy to compile:

pmovmskb eax, mm0


But rejected with error: Invalid combination of opcode and operands:

pmovmskb rax, mm0


I don't understand why this is not legal? The Intel manual says PMOVMSKB reg, mm on the operating line , but the Operation section explains both:

  • PMOVMSKB (with 64-bit source operand and r32)
  • PMOVMSKB (with 64-bit source operand and r64)

So this makes me think that I can run it with EAX or RAX as the destination, right? But maybe there is something I don't understand ...?


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1 answer

I'll just show you the output of my debugger when I try your code generated by ml64.exe:

testfunc PROC
    pmovmskb eax, mm0
00007FF78A611060 0F D7 C0             pmovmskb    eax,mm0  
    pmovmskb rax, mm0
00007FF78A611063 48 0F D7 C0          pmovmskb    rax,mm0  
00007FF78A611067 C3                   ret  


Checking that this is not a bug in this assembler from this site :

enter image description here

Well, MMX is definitely a stepping kid, best ignored that it ever existed. You can report a bug with the project on this page .



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