Using fzf with tmux and zsh on Mac

I really like fzf when I use it, but it's actually difficult to use. For example, I don't want to type vim $(fzf)

every time I want to find a fuzzy find for a file. Ideally, I would like to just type ctrl-E

fzf for input and start editing the file after selecting it by hitting enter.

I don't know what keys are pressed to accomplish what is done in the video on the github page ( ). Clicking the tab just does normal autocomplete (and I don't want to do style autocomplete **

. I want to type fzf-tmux and paste the result into my command)

Can anyone help me?


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1 answer

the install script to install fzf such bindings for you CTRL-T


and ALT-C

. See the project home page for details . The code for key bindings can be found here .

If you don't like the standard fzf functions, you can try writing your own.

# A simple widget for dictionary words
fzf-dict-widget() {
  LBUFFER="$LBUFFER$(cat /usr/share/dict/words | fzf-tmux -m | paste -sd" " -) "
  zle reset-prompt
bindkey '^E' fzf-dict-widget
zle     -N   fzf-dict-widget




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