Parboiled2 for parsing CSV string

I am trying to parse a single line that contains delimited strings into a sequence of those lines. It should be able to have any character in strings, if the field contains a delimiter, it needs double quotes. To have double quotes in such a field, the double quotes are escaped.

I used this as a starting point:

My grammar looks like this:

class CsvParser(val input: ParserInput, val delimiter: String = ",") extends Parser {
  def line: Rule1[Seq[String]] = rule {record ~ EOI}
  def record = rule(oneOrMore(field).separatedBy(delimiter))

  def QUOTE = "\""
  def ESCAPED_QUOTE = "\\\""
  def DELIMITER_QUOTE = delimiter+"\""
  def WS = " \t".replace(delimiter, "")

  def field = rule{whiteSpace ~ ((QUOTE ~ escapedField ~ QUOTE) | unquotedField) ~ whiteSpace}
  def escapedField = rule { capture(zeroOrMore(noneOf(QUOTE) | ESCAPED_QUOTE)) ~> (_.replace(ESCAPED_QUOTE, QUOTE))  } 
  def unquotedField = rule { capture(zeroOrMore(noneOf(DELIMITER_QUOTE))) }
  def whiteSpace = rule(zeroOrMore(anyOf(WS)))


When I call it with "quote\"key",1,2

I getInvalid input 'k', expected whiteSpace, ',' or 'EOI' (line 1, column 9)

What am I doing wrong? How do I debug this? (And as a bonus question: how would I extend the grammar to allow the delimiter to be multiple type characters ##




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1 answer

Parboiled2 seems to follow the rules without tracking back.

In this particular case

def escapedField = rule { capture(zeroOrMore(noneOf(QUOTE) | ESCAPED_QUOTE)) ~> (_.replace(ESCAPED_QUOTE, QUOTE))  } 



captures \ from \ "and then returns instead of tracking back and tries to capture the full \".

The error was solved with

def escapedField = rule { capture(ESCAPED_QUOTE | zeroOrMore(noneOf(QUOTE))) ~> (_.replace(ESCAPED_QUOTE, QUOTE))  } 




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