Using spl_autoload_register and composer autoloading together

I have a legacy app that uses spl_autload

to load classes (they have no namespace)





// require composer autoloader
// can't place that line before the call spl_autoload_register without breaking everything.
require __DIR__ . "/../vendor/autoload.php";


Recently, we have presented the components of the composer and the Symfony container

, dependency-injection

and config


I'm trying to get the camelcase class to be loaded through composer (all new classes use camelcase cases to identify new and old code) without causing BC breaks.

Do you have a clue on how to do this? Should new classes have a namespace?

PS: The new classes will be distributed across "tons" of folders. Project size - 700,000 LOC.


source to share

1 answer

So what I did was to put the new class in a folder src/

, add a namespace and add PSR-4

inside composer.json.

Since spl_autoload doesn't work with camelcase classes I'm fine. :-)

"autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
        "MyNamespace\\NotLegacy\\": "src/"




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