How can I change the default jsp directory that my Spring Mvc application uses?

I created a simple spring mvc app using IntelliJ Idea 12 IDE and I want to find a way to change the default folder that apps use to store jsp pages (WEB-INF / pages) to WEB-INF / views. I even tried deleting the page directory, but after deploying the application, it tries again to find my jsp file inside WEB-INF / pages. Any ideas? Thank.


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1 answer

It was too easy ... but it seems that when you are tired you can ask simple questions. I just changed this setting in the default servlet config file:

<bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.InternalResourceViewResolver">
        <property name="prefix" value="/WEB-INF/views/"/>
        <property name="suffix" value=".jspx"/>




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