Why is Moq checking the calling method throws an exception?

I cannot convey this piece of code.

member public this.Test() =
    let mock = new Mock<IList<string>>()
    let mockObj = mock.Object

    mock.Verify(fun m -> m.Add(It.IsAny<string>()), Times.Once())


An exception:

System.ArgumentException : Expression of type 'System.Void' cannot be used for constructor parameter of type 'Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Unit'


I believe it has something to do with F # not inferring the correct data type of the labda expression, but I don't know how to fix it.


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1 answer

You are correct, this is an issue with F # type inference when calling an overloaded method that takes an Action or Func.

One option is to download Moq.FSharp.Extensions from Nuget and change yours Verify

to explicit VerifyAction

, i.e.

open Moq.FSharp.Extensions

type MyTests() = 
    member public this.Test() =
        let mock = new Mock<IList<string>>()
        let mockObj = mock.Object       
        mock.VerifyAction((fun m -> m.Add(any())), Times.Once())


Under the covers, the Moq.FSharp.Extensions files simply define an extension method VerifyAction

that it accepts just Action

to avoid ambiguity:

type Moq.Mock<'TAbstract> when 'TAbstract : not struct with
    member mock.VerifyAction(expression:Expression<Action<'TAbstract>>) =


Another option is to use Foq , a mocking library with a similar API to Moq but designed specifically for use with F #, also available through Nuget :

member public this.Test() =
    let mock = Mock.Of<IList<string>>()           
    Mock.Verify(<@ mock.Add(any()) @>, once) 




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