Powershell options from file

has some problem when calling a function using named parameters. This function declaration is in a separate file (Security.ps1):

    function Add-SSRSItemSecurity





Then I call this function in another Host.ps1 script like:

    Set-Location 'C:\SSRSJobs'
    . .\SSRSsecurity.ps1


This call works in the host file:

Add-SSRSItemSecurity -range "server1" -itemPath "/Test" -groupUserName "CN\Group" -role "Browser"


So, I tried to pass multiple parameters to the function as a loop, but calling new variables each time:

$securityArray = @()
$securityArray = Get-Content -Path "C\ReleaseSecurity.txt"
    foreach($line in $securityArray)
        Add-SSRSItemSecurity $line;


File having:

-range "server1" -itemPath "/Test" -groupUserName "CN\Group" -role "Browser"
-range "server2" -itemPath "/Test" -groupUserName "CN\Group" -role "Browser"
-range "server3" -itemPath "/Test" -groupUserName "CN\Group" -role "Browser"


The error I am getting:

Add-SSRSItemSecurity : Cannot bind positional parameters because no names were given.
At line:229 char:27
+                         Add-SSRSItemSecurity <<<<  $line;
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (:) [Add-SSRSItemSecurity], ParameterBindingExcepti 
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : AmbiguousPositionalParameterNoName,Add-SSRSItemSecurity


When checking the string, the $ line variable contains the correct names for the parameters. I have tried all sorts of error traps, but I cannot get a decent error message other than the one above. I've tried quoting forms as well, but I can't seem to get the function to see the name anchor.

Is it possible to call multiple variables in a function bound only to the PS variable name?


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1 answer

You can use splatting . Save the parameters as CSV as follows:



and download it like this:

Import-Csv 'C:\ReleaseSecurity.txt' | % {
  Add-SSRSItemSecurity @_




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