How to access zero element in shorthand to count repetitions in an array

On a whim of the school node, I am trying to use reduce

to count the number of repetitions of a string in an array.

var fruits = ["Apple", "Banana", "Apple", "Durian", "Durian", "Durian"],
    obj = {};
fruits.reduce(function(prev, curr, index, arr){
   obj[curr] ? obj[curr]++ : obj[curr] = 1;
console.log(obj); // {Banana: 1, Apple: 1, Durian: 3}


is a kind of work. For some reason reduce

, it seems to be missing the first element. I do not know why. Its the first time through the array, index

- 1

. I tried to introduce some logic like if (index === 1){//put 'prev' as a property of 'obj'}

. But it seems really confusing. I'm pretty sure this is not how the node school wants me to solve this problem. However, I wonder what a good way to access the zero element in the array you are decreasing. Why is this null element seemingly ignored by the pruning routine? I guess I could go through fruits[0]

after the callback to start at this value initially. What's the best way to access this null element?


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2 answers

If it was not initialValue

, then it previousValue

will be equal to the first value in the array, but it currentValue

will be equal to the second.

Also, you must return the value from the function. This value becomes the value previousValue

in the next iteration.

I suggest that you "wrap" your aggregator obj

as a seed.

var fruits = ["Apple", "Banana", "Apple", "Durian", "Durian", "Durian"];
var obj = fruits.reduce(function(carry, fruit){
  if(!carry[fruit]) carry[fruit] = 0; // If key doesn't exist, default to 0
  carry[fruit]++;                     // Increment the value of the key
  return carry;                       // Return aggregator for next iteration
}, {});

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Here's a simple diagram:

               fruit  carry (before operation)      carry (after operation, returned value)
1st iteration: Apple  {}                            {Apple:1}
2nd iteration: Banana {Apple:1}                     {Apple:1, Banana:1} 
3rd iteration: Apple  {Apple:1, Banana:1}           {Apple:2, Banana:1}
4th iteration: Durian {Apple:2, Banana:1}           {Apple:2, Banana:1, Durian:1}
5th iteration: Durian {Apple:2, Banana:1, Durian:1} {Apple:2, Banana:1, Durian:2}
6th iteration: Durian {Apple:2, Banana:1, Durian:2} {Apple:2, Banana:1, Durian:3}




Syntax reduce()


arr.reduce( callback [, initial] )


If you omit the initial

value, it callback

will be called 5 times and arr[0]

passed as the initial value previous


callback( previous=arr[0], current=arr[1], index=0, array=arr )
callback( previous       , current=arr[2], index=1, array=arr )
callback( previous       , current=arr[3], index=2, array=arr )
callback( previous       , current=arr[4], index=3, array=arr )
callback( previous       , current=arr[5], index=4, array=arr )


If you include a initial

value, it callback

will be called 6 times with initial

the initial value passed in previous


callback( previous=initial, current=arr[0], index=0, array=arr )
callback( previous        , current=arr[1], index=1, array=arr )
callback( previous        , current=arr[2], index=2, array=arr )
callback( previous        , current=arr[3], index=3, array=arr )
callback( previous        , current=arr[4], index=4, array=arr )
callback( previous        , current=arr[5], index=5, array=arr )


Since you are building an object, I recommend passing an initial

empty object as the value { }


function reduceFunction(previous, current, index, array) {
    console.log("debug: index: ", index, " current: ", current)
    if (!previous[current])
        previous[current] = 1
    return previous

const fruits = [ "Apple", "Banana", "Apple", "Durian", "Durian", "Durian" ]
const result = fruits.reduce( reduceFunction, { } )
console.log( "result: ", result )

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