Completing an ActiveRecord and default_scope condition

Is there a way to override the default scope or previous scope in a where condition? (Apart from restructuring the model do not use default_scope

or unscoped)

Also, what is the reason why it works the way it does? It feels like this isn't the most anticipated or intuitive approach.


class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
  default_scope -> { visible }
  scope :visible, -> { where(visible: true) }
  scope :hidden, -> { where(visible: false) }


When I do this:



The generated sql tries to match two values:

WHERE "products"."visible" = 't' AND "products"."visible" = 'f'


It's the same without default_scope:

class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
  scope :visible, -> { where(visible: true) }
  scope :hidden, -> { where(visible: false) }


When I do this:

Product.visible.where(visible: false)


Or when I do this:



The generated sql tries to match two values:

WHERE "products"."visible" = 't' AND "products"."visible" = 'f'


I did it with a complete test case:

This is an issue when I first asked this thinking it was a bug:


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2 answers

There is only one thing you need to know about default_scope

, and that is: don't use it.


- it's like a medicine. It’s great at first and everything seems easier, but over time you realize that it was a bad idea to use it. By then, it's too late and you have to deal with the consequences forever. OK, that's not entirely true: you can simply discontinue use default_scope

and rewrite your controllers to explicitly call real-world scopes, which is what you should have done in the first place, because that way it is obvious which data is being retrieved and in a way that is less confusing for other developers ( including the future you will forget to use default_scope

). So default_scope

not as bad as getting on drugs. This is sometimes the case.

Just say no to default_scope




To override the default scope, use the unscoped

: method Product.unscoped.hidden


The reason this was conditional addition is because the code does exactly what you told it to do: run the default scope, then specify any special conditions.



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