Scala assignments

I felt like a weird snippet in Scala that I don't quite understand. For me the assignments are in Scala return Unit

, as opposed to Java, where it returns the type of the variable that was affected by the value. However, consider this class:

case class C(i: Int) {
  def f = C(i = i + 10) 


This compiles completely, which is pretty weird! The factory method C.apply

expects Int

, whereas I pass it what appears to be an assignment, like Unit

. By the way, if I remove the assignment to just express this expression, it appears to have the same behavior.

Try this now:

case class C(i: Int) {
   def f = {
     i = i + 10
     C(i = i + 10)


Ok, now this is the world I know: i

is val, then you can't mutate it, so it i = i + 10

doesn't compile. However, C(i = i + 10)

it still compiles without complaints. What is this weirdness? Is there a reason for this?


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1 answer

This is because in the case, the C(i = i + 10)

left i

one is not a field C#i

, but a named parameter . No assignment is performed at all.

C(i = i + 10)
  ^   ^
  +---|-------- Parameter name
      +- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Reference to the field `i`
                                   in the instance of the class `C`


In some places where named parameters make sense:

  • Avoiding "what does it {boolean, integer}

    mean" moment:

    someMethod(anObject, flagName=true)
    // As opposed to someMethod(anObject, true) ... what `true` for? 
    anotherMethod(arg1, arg2, totalMagic=33)

  • When using default values ​​for parameters (to call the right constructor):

    def withDefaults(i: Int, flag: Boolean = true, wrapper: Option[String] = None) = {
      wrapper.fold(s"$i with $flag")(_.format(i, flag))
    withDefaults(3, Some("stuff %s around %s"))
    // won't compile
    // error: type mismatch;
    //  found   : Some[String]
    //  required: Boolean
    withDefaults(3, wrapper = Some("stuff %s around %s"))
    // works (returns "stuff 3 around true")



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