Why does ODG glass take 5000 min and 5000 max FPS to scan a barcode

We are developing an application on ODG glass (just like google glass). Now in the application, we need to scan barcodes and because of which we need to open Camera (Video) through the application. Thanks to this, the glass heats up. Now, to fix this heat issue, I decided to decrease the frame per second (fps), I used the properties of the camera

http://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/Camera.Parameters.html#setPreviewFpsRange(int , int)

public void setPreviewFpsRange (int min, int max)

Added in API level 9
Sets the minimum and maximum preview fps. This controls the rate of preview frames received in Camera.PreviewCallback. The minimum and maximum preview fps must be one of the elements from getSupportedPreviewFpsRange().

    min the minimum preview fps (scaled by 1000).
    max the maximum preview fps (scaled by 1000).


Now when I deploy one application with less frames per second (Min 7, Max 7) in Samsung Tab 3, then it works fine and I can scan the barcode, but if I use the same fps in ODG glass I don't can scan a barcode. In ODG glass I can only scan barcode when I set fps to Min 5000, Max 5000

Please note that ODG glass requires 5000 min and 5000 max. Compared to Samsung Tab 3, this number is too high.

Thanks in advance!


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