Decrement right css by 4.5px forever 10px decrement width

I have a code for which it is on the right of the page. it is fixed there by css like this:

position: absolute;
width: 230px;
float: right;
height: 60px;
right: 310px;
top: 190px;


but when the window is resized the cs "right" property should also shrink as this div is not showing if the window is minimized than 100%

Initially the $( window ).width() = 1899px;

"right" property for the feedback div should be 310px

For each shrinking 10px in the window width, the right css of the feedback div should shrink 4.5px egg.

Width = 1899px  Right property = 310px


Width = 1889px Right property = 305.5px Width = 1879px Right property = 301px

... ,,, Util Width = 1234px Right property = 0px

I cannot make this logical work. Can anyone help


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1 answer

You can only do this with css using% and margin values.

See jsfiddle

In my example, the inner element has a margin-right of 10%. This means that as the container changes width, the offset to the right also changes in size, as does the inner element.

The width of the container is also%, so it folds when the window folds.

css is located here:

.container {
    width: 100%;

.internal {
    float: right;
    width: 50%;
    margin-right: 10%;


It's important to note that the internal margin-right is the% of the container, not the element it belongs to.

To fix the width of the inner element, just use a fixed width, the box will still use the width of the container and keep it spaced relative to the width of the container.

See the second JsFiddle . The only change: width: 300px;

instead of width: 50%;

on the inside.



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