Python (Pandas) fill cells with spaces

I am using Python (Pandas) to manage high frequency data. Basically, I need to fill in empty cells.

If this line is empty, then this line will be filled with the previous existing observation.

My original data example:

Time    bid    ask    
15:00    .      .
15:00    .      .
15:02    76     .
15:02    .      77
15:03    .      .
15:03    78     .
15:04    .      .
15:05    .      80
15:05    .      .
15:05    .      .


needs to be converted to

Time    bid    ask    
15:00    .      .
15:00    .      .
15:02    76     .
15:00    76     77
15:00    76     77
15:00    78     77
15:00    78     77
15:00    78     80
15:05    78     80
15:05    78     80


This is my code:


#From here fill the blank cells

first_line = True
mydata = []
with open(tan, 'rb') as f:
    reader = csv.reader(f)
# loop through each row...
for row in reader:
    this_row = row
    # now do the blank-cell checking...
    if first_line:
        for colnos in range(len(this_row)):
            if this_row[colnos] == '':
                this_row[colnos] = 0
        first_line = False
        for colnos in range(len(this_row)):
            if this_row[colnos] == '':
                this_row[colnos] = prev_row[colnos]
    mydata.append( [this_row] )
    prev_row = this_row


However, the code doesn't work.

The system indicates:

TypeError: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, DataFrame found


I am very grateful if you can help me solve this problem. Thank.


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2 answers

Use the property fillna()

. You can specify the method as forward fill


import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv('sample.csv')
data = data.fillna(method='ffill') # This one forward fills all the columns.
# You can also apply to specific columns as below
# data[['bid','ask']] = data[['bid','ask']].fillna(method='ffill')
print data
    Time  bid      ask    
0  15:00  NaN      NaN
1  15:00  NaN      NaN
2  15:02   76      NaN
3  15:02   76       77
4  15:03   76       77
5  15:03   78       77
6  15:04   78       77
7  15:05   78       80
8  15:05   78       80
9  15:05   78       80




There is a lesser known method ffill


In [102]:

    Time  bid  ask
0  15:00  NaN  NaN
1  15:00  NaN  NaN
2  15:02   76  NaN
3  15:02   76   77
4  15:03   76   77
5  15:03   78   77
6  15:04   78   77
7  15:05   78   80
8  15:05   78   80
9  15:05   78   80




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