Count columns in a query with a group

I have the following table

  id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('cl_id_seq'::regclass),
  from_number character varying(30),
  to_number character varying(30),
  message text,
  received_at timestamp with time zone,
  sent_at timestamp with time zone,
  reply_batch boolean DEFAULT false,
  chat_id character varying(20),
  insert_time timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now(),
  own_account boolean DEFAULT false,


I have the following query that will return chat_ids in chains only if the last message (marked by the insert_time column) associated with the chat_id has an own_account column with false.

select chat_id from message_log 
where own_account = 'f'
and insert_time in
select distinct max(insert_time) from message_log group by chat_id


The above SQL works fine, but it returns conversations without checking how many times true_all_account is used in the chat. I would like to add the ability to return chat_ids from conversations also depending on how many times own_account is true.

I have tried many different SQL queries but I cannot get it to work. Any help would be appreciated.

I hope I'm clear enough. if you confuse anything, please comment.


I have uploaded data to SQL Fiddle here!15/1d7dc/2

If the next request is made, it will return the chat related messages.

select * from message_log where chat_id = '1412' order by insert_time


The last message does not belong to own_account and there are less than 3 own_account messages in the results, so the next request should return the chat_id to it, but it does not

select m.chat_id 
from message_log m
inner join 
  (select chat_id, max(insert_time) as max_insert_time,
   count(case when own_account='t' then 1 else 0 end) as true_count
   from message_log
   group by chat_id) as latest
on m.chat_id = latest.chat_id and
   m.insert_time = latest.max_insert_time
   m.own_account = 'f' and latest.true_count <= 3



I created another sql script here with one entry!15/ad045/1


source to share

1 answer

You can create a view that records the last insert times for all chats and then find out if that last record matches own_account='f'

select m.chat_id 
from message_log m
inner join 
  (select chat_id, max(insert_time) as max_insert_time
   from message_log
   group by chat_id) as latest
on m.chat_id = latest.chat_id and
   m.insert_time = latest.max_insert_time
   m.own_account = 'f' 


Extension to find chats where the last one is own_account = 'f' but has at least 3 own_account='t'


select m.chat_id 
from message_log m
inner join 
  (select chat_id, max(insert_time) as max_insert_time,
   sum(case when own_account='t' then 1 else 0 end) as true_count
   from message_log
   group by chat_id) as latest
on m.chat_id = latest.chat_id and
   m.insert_time = latest.max_insert_time
   m.own_account = 'f' and latest.true_count >= 3


SQLFiddle is available at!15/ee8c0/2



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