NgRepeat, JSON, angularJS - no duplicates allowed - via template in directive


I found that if I pass the JSON file in the controller like this:

controller('dynamicMenuCtrl', ['$scope', function ($scope) {

    $scope.mainmenu2 = [
                "id": "bananas",
                "title": "Bananas",
                "href": "#/bananas",
                "li-class": "menu-element"
                "id": "apples",
                "title": "Apples",
                "li-class": "dropdown"
                "submenu": [
                        "id": "apple-lot",
                        "title": "Apples lots",
                        "href": "#/apples/lot"                  
                        "id": "apple-series",
                        "title": "Apples series",
                        "href": "#/apples/series"
                "id": "cherries",
                "title": "Cherries",
                "href": "#/cherries",
                "li-class": "menu-element"



instead of getting it via $ http.get

my navigation bar is working correctly. I call it in my HTML as:

<li ng-repeat=item in mainmenu2>"


UPDATE 2: If you are using an MVC app you must register JSON

file inWeb.config

      <mimeMap fileExtension=".json" mimeType="application/json; charset=UTF-8"/>


Then everything will be fine

I have a problem, I have a JSON file:

    "mainmenu": [
            "id": "bananas",
            "title": "Bananas",
            "href": "#/bananas",
            "li-class": "menu-element"
            "id": "apples",
            "title": "Apples",
            "li-class": "dropdown"
            "submenu": [
                    "id": "apple-lot",
                    "title": "Apples lots",
                    "href": "#/apples/lot"                  
                    "id": "apple-series",
                    "title": "Apples series",
                    "href": "#/apples/series"
            "id": "cherries",
            "title": "Cherries",
            "href": "#/cherries",
            "li-class": "menu-element"


I want to create a navigation bar from this JSON file. I am using AngularJS for this (only Angular is allowed in this case).

I created a controller to receive this JSON file:

angular.module('dynamic-menu').controller('dynamicMenuCtrl', ['$scope', '$http', function ($scope, $http) {
    $http.get('MenuItems.json').success(function (data) {

        $scope.mainmenu = data;


Then I want to create a navigation bar in my HTML:

    <nav class="navbar navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top" role="navigation" id="nav-bar" style="margin-bottom: 0.5%">"
        <div class="container-fluid">
            <div class="navbar-header">
                <span class="navbar-brand">TITLE</span>
            <div class="collapse navbar-collapse">
                <span class="navbar-brand">
                    <ul class="nav navbar-nav">
                        <li ng-repeat="item in mainmenu">
                            <a href="{{item.href}}">{{item.title}}</a>
                    </ul> <!-- /.nav navbar-nav -->
                </span> <!-- /.navbar-brand -->
            </div> <!-- /.navbar-collapse-->
        </div> <!-- /.container-fluid-->


Then I get the error Error:

[ngRepeat:dupes] Duplicates in a repeater are not allowed. Use 'track by' expression to specify unique keys. Repeater: item in mainmenu, Duplicate key: string:<, Duplicate value: "<"


I tried to use expression trackby $index

, but this is not the rendering that I want. There are some copies of something, but I don't know what is wrong. Maybe I have something wrong in the JSON file or in the controller?

EDIT: Can you see and edit this plunkr?

It didn't work either, maybe I'm writing something wrong? I also fixed my JSON file in this post and the error expression

EDIT2: What if I want to render HTML via a directive?

angular.module('dynamic-menu').directive('menuTemplate', function () {
    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        template: "<nav class=\"navbar navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top\" role=\"navigation\" id=\"nav-bar\" style=\"margin-bottom: 0.5%\">"
                        + "<div class=\"container-fluid\">"
                            + "<div class=\"navbar-header\">"
                                + "<span class=\"navbar-brand\">TITLE</span>"
                            + "</div>"
                            + "<div class=\"collapse navbar-collapse\">"
                                + "<span class=\"navbar-brand\">"
                                        + "<ul class=\"nav navbar-nav\">"
                                            + "<li ng-repeat=\"item in mainmenu\">"
                                                + "<a href=\"{{item.href}}\">{{item.title}}</a>"
                                        +"</ul> <!-- /.nav navbar-nav -->"
                                    +"</span> <!-- /.navbar-brand -->"
                                +"</div> <!-- /.navbar-collapse-->"
                            +"</div> <!-- /.container-fluid-->"


EDIT 3: I updated my plunkr and now it works:

I created a directive as well and it works as well. I don't know why it works in Plunkr but not in my project :(


source to share

3 answers

The data you receive is an object that contains a key mainmenu

, which is an array of objects. So in your controller use:

$http.get('MenuItems.json').success(function (data) {

        $scope.mainmenu = data.mainmenu;


Next, your array mainmenu

contains some object that donot has values href

and title

, but it has a property submenu

(array) that contains href

title values


Use this:

 <li ng-repeat="item in mainmenu track by $index">
    <a ng-if="!item.submenu" href="{{item.href}}">{{item.title}}</a>
    <a ng-if="item.submenu">{{item.title}}
      <ul ng-repeat="subitem in item.submenu">
         <a href="{{subitem.href}}">{{subitem.title}}</a>




Instead of this

<span ng-repeat="motto in mottos"> {{motto}} </span>


try something like this

<span ng-repeat="motto in mottos track by $index"> {{motto}} </span>


you can see it in more detail on this page

PS this question is a duplicate of the Stack Overflow question



There are several problems in your code:

1) JSON is not valid. This is valid JSON:

    "mainmenu": [
            "id": "bananas",
            "title": "Bananas",
            "href": "#/bananas",
            "li-class": "menu-element"
            "id": "apples",
            "title": "Apples",
            "li-class": "dropdown",
            "submenu": [
                    "id": "apple-lot",
                    "title": "Apples lots",
                    "href": "#/apples/lot"
                    "id": "apple-series",
                    "title": "Apples series",
                    "href": "#/apples/series"
            "id": "cherries",
            "title": "Cherries",
            "href": "#/cherries",
            "li-class": "menu-element"


2) $scope.mainmenu

has a key mainmenu

which is an array, so in the ng-repeat on the key mainmenu


 <li ng-repeat="item in mainmenu.mainmenu">


Edit: using $http.get

to get json.

See plunkr: " "



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