Routing in Symfony 1.4: Is there a way to allow sf_method = OPTIONS for HTTP presale requests

you may all know that browsers in some cases precede HTTP requests:

My web app is still on Symfony1. I want to implement a RESTful service and hence use Symfony routing to allow certain HTTP request methods like GET or POST ( ).


  url:   /v1/login
  class: sfRequestRoute
  param: { module: rest, action: login }
    sf_method: [post, put, delete]
    #sf_method: [options] NOT WORKING


It seems to me that OPTIONS requests cannot be defined / handled as sf_method value. Because I could not find any information, if my idea is correct, I wonder if I am correct, or maybe there is a solution that I could not find either.

Thanks in advance!


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1 answer

Sorry to revive this old question, but I found a solution. I faced the same problem and I added a request method OPTIONS

to the allowed methods in lib/sfRequest.class.php

and lib/sfWebRequest.class.php

. You can check the latest commit here to see the differences: 6ad018c

Since I cannot update the original Symfony1 GitHub repository, I created a copy with additional fixes needed due to various PHP updates. This fixes deprecated PHP warnings due to the use of a modifier /e

in preg_replace calls.

Please note that this is still not compatible with Symfony1 PHP7. I have been doing this successfully with PHP 5.6.30


Background: Diem is using Symfony1 (1.4.20) hence the GitHub organization diem-project



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