Send formatted messages through Twilio
I want to know how can I send formed messages via api
Using the .NET library
So my requirements are similar. can html tags also be used?
TwilioRestClient client;
client = new TwilioRestClient(accountSID, authToken);
string msg="Hi dalvir,
//line break
Welcome to my website.....
//line break
<b>Support Team<b>
// Send an SMS message.
Message result = client.SendMessage(....);
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2 answers
Use %0a
For example:
"Body=Here is my first line%0aHere is my second line"
When sending outbound messages over the REST API without using a helper library, it is best to encode the newline character using URL encoding. In URL encoding, the newline character is encoded as % 0a .
Here's an example cURL script:
curl -XPOST \
-d "To=+13105551234" \
-d "From=+12125555555" \
-d "Body=Here is my first line%0aHere is my second line" \
This example sends an outgoing message from the sender (212) 555-1234 (+12125551234) to the recipient at (310) 555-5555 (+13105555555) and includes the following message:
Here is my first line
Here is my second line
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