Creating a symbolic link to other paths from the Babun home directory

I just installed babun on my Windows 7.

babun ~/home/xxx

is located in C:\Users\Admin\.babun\cygwin\home\xxx

the Windows file system.

xxx is my username on windows

Let's say my processed files are stored in D:\work

how can I create a symbolic link to link to D:\work

? So I can easily use cd mysymlink

to change the working directory from babun's home directory.

Please, help. Thank.


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1 answer

Try to create a link /

like this:

ln -s /cygdrive/d/work /myworkdir


Then you should be able cd /myworkdir

to go to your disabled directory.

Another option is to create an alias in your .bashrc:

echo "alias gtw=\"cd /cygdrive/d/work\"" >> ~/.bashrc


After that, you can just write gtw


Note: gtw means g o t o w ork :), but you can choose whatever you like ...

Edit: Oh sorry you added the zsh tag, I haven't seen, then the second option should be like this:

echo "alias gtw=\"cd /cygdrive/d/work\"" >> ~/.zshrc




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