Jenkins - setting up a trigger on another project
How can I call a parameterized assembly only if the parent finished successfully AND had changes (changes were pushed to scm)?
Here is the scenario: I have 3 assemblies: A, B and C. B will be built if called by A or has changes. C should only be built if B finished successfully and if B was built due to scm and NOT changes because it was called by A
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Add to A:
Actions after assembling → Trigger with parameterization based on other projects:
- Build projects:
- Start on build: complete (always trigger)
- Add Settings → Pre-defined parameters:
Add to B:
Metadata → [✔] This assembly is parameterized → Add Value → line option:
- Name:
- Default value:
Actions after assembling → Trigger with parameterization based on other projects:
- Build projects:
- Build Trigger: Stable [default anyway]
- Add Settings → Pre-defined parameters:
Add to C:
Metadata → [✔] This assembly parametrizovana_ → Add Value → line option:
- Name:
- Default value:
Create → Add build step → Conditional step (single):
- Run: Not
- !: Regular expression
- Expression:
- Label:
- Expression:
- Builder: ... according to your needs ...
See Parameterized Build , Parameterized Trigger Plugin, and Run Conditions Plugin.
The above settings cause the following:
- A builds → B builds → B is stable; C starts but doesn't create
- B SCM polls → SCM changes → B builds → B is stable; C builds
As per the discussion, the following is assumed:
- A builds -> B builds
- B SCM polls → SCM changes → B builds → B is stable; C builds
To prevent C from running in 1 .:
Create a bubbling project in B that polls the SCM and B triggers
Configure the following in B:
Source Code Management → ◉ No
Build Triggers
- [] SCM Poll
Build → Add build step → Conditional step (single):- Run: execute shell command / execute windows
- Command: ... SCM checkout commands; set the output status / ERRORLEVEL more than 0 in case of no SCM changes ...
- Builder: Trigger / call builds on other projects
- Build triggers
- Build projects:
- Build projects:
- Build triggers
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