Android: Can Split method return null?

I am having a problem reading this code.

Why allProvinces = null

does the encoder determine what ?

    String [] allProvinces = response.split(",");
    /* how should I check whether allProvinces is null or not? 
     * it means the method "split" can possibly return a null value?
    if( allProvinces != null && allProvinces.length > 0){    
        for(String p :allProvinces) {
            String [] array = p.split("//|");
            Province province = new Province();
            province.setProvinceName(array [0]);



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2 answers

Can Split method return null?

The split function always returns String[]

containing at least one element.

You end up with a size 1 array containing the original value:

splitting method with "-"

Input          Output
-----          ------
ABCD-XYZ      {"ABCD", "XYZ"}
QWERT         {"QWERT"}
ZXC-q-        {"ZXC","q"}
ZXC-q- -      {"ZXC","q",""}


why does the encoder define allProvinces = null

It's useless to check null

because the split function always returns String[]

containing at least one element.



Code if( allProvinces != null && allProvinces.length > 0){

- check allProvinces, non-zero. The minimum value for line smoothing is one. We cannot return a flared null string.



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