Php cli has stopped working

I have a fresh install of windows 8:

Downloaded php- (5.6.11 zip) from this on this page :
Unzip it to "C: \ Users \ patrick \ php" folder.

Don't know if this matters:
Copied and renamed php.ini-development to php.ini.
Changed display_errors from off to on.

Added "C: \ Users \ patrick \ php" to my environment variables path.
Launched Windows PowerShell.
Typed in "php -S localhost: 8000"
"CLI has stopped working" appears without additional information.

(OBS: it doesn't matter what I type after "php", the same message appears)

Similar but not exactly the same questions:
PHP 5.3.0 redistributable in xampp
Solved by updating my PHP version bundled with xampp. Since I am not running my php with xampp, but I am not sure how I would go about it.

updated Wamp to PHP 5.4.3 from 5.3.8.
Couldn't solve, but suggested he not install WAMP in program files, some Apache and PHP bits don't have spaces in folder names. Shouldn't this be a problem with "C: \ Users \ patrick \ php"?

There are several other PHP related "CLI has stopped working" issues, but all of the ones I found only happened in certain events like "When I use this function ..." etc.

Using Process Monitor, I found that the process php.exe

keeps looking for a DLL file in all Path folders:

enter image description here


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1 answer

As we installed, the executable php.exe

tries to find a named library on MSVCR110.dll



denotes M icro s oft V isual C ++ R untime 11 . 0 .

This runtime library is part of the Visual C ++ Redistributable packages that come with Visual Studio that you can download and install yourself from Microsoft - they even maintain a list of download links in KB2977003 .

You need Visual Studio 2012 version (corresponds to VC ++ 11.0 version).

After installation, it will also update the path env variable and php.exe

then can find it on startup



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