Vim, change the definition of a paragraph separator
I write python code, and I'm faced with the annoying problem with the keys {
and }
: the definition of vim for paragraphs - it "blocks, separated by a blank line." However, when I code in a python class I like to keep the indentation between methods, so there is an easy way to make the paragraphs move like this:
class A:
def f(): #cursor here, when I type {, go between f and g
return 1
#the previous line is indented
def g():
return 2
Of course, you can always reassign }
as a function that does
let a = @/
normal /\S\n\s*$/
normal j
let @/ = a
and {
to a similar one, but is there an easier way?
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The solution posted by @romainl is fine, but you can also take a look at Kana textobj-user . This is the basis for defining text objects . Among other things, there is a plugin that uses this to define text objects for Python, which in turn have keys to navigate through functions and classes. People have written many other similar plugins .
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