Wordpress - linking to images in HTML not working

I am building a website using Wordpress and am currently trying to put social media buttons in the header using a text widget for HTML input, but the images are not showing and I am wondering if it has something to do with the file permissions when I started out While developing a website, I tried to load the header image and got the error "Failed to create directory [directory name] Is its parent directory writable by the server?" So I went to termnial and typed sudo chmod -R a + w / Applications / XAMPP / xamppfiles / htdocs / sitename / wp-content / which solved the upload problem.

I am developing locally and when I use an external website as the src for an image, it displays a button on my website.

My images are stored in: / Application / XAMPP / xamppfiles / HTDOCS / site_name / wp-content / myimages /

The website files are located at: / Applications / XAMPP / xamppfiles / htdocs / site_name / wp-content / themes / twentyfifteen-child /

Now the src link should be: src = "../../myimages/instagram.png" but it is not, and I tried other options, even using the full link starting at / Applications

So my question is, is it really a file permissions issue and if so, what permissions should I use and how to enter it. However, if it's not permissions related, what else can I do to fix the problem?


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2 answers

either "/wp-content/myimages/img1.png" or just upload the images via cms media upload and then grab the url from here. This makes it faster.



you manage to get the images please try this

in the text widget try to pass the file Path like below:

<img src="http://www.sitename.com/wp-content/myimages/img1.png" />


for this, please confirm the image location to load the image path into the browser http://www.sitename.com/wp-content/myimages/img1.png

I'm sure this will help!



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