Link representing view controller from modal (objective-c)

I have a navigation stack consisting of:

 -> WelcomeViewController
 -> RoleViewController


I would like to add a modal viewcontroller between Welcome and Role. I add ModalViewController via storyboard and assign Segue (Present Modally) to ModalViewController via button in WelcomeViewController. This is all good and the modal shows are great.

Now that I am inside the ModalViewController , I would like to dismiss the modal and perform the original segue from Welcome to Role. I did several searches on StackOverflow and came up with different ideas on how to do this. The most logical way was outlined here: Dismissviewcontroller and execute segue

UIViewController *parentController = self.presentingViewController;
[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:^(void){
    [parentController performSegueWithIdentifier:@"segue_gotoRole" sender:self];


The modal is rejected, but the segue is not executed and the application crashes:

*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException',
reason: 'Receiver (<NavigationViewController: 0x78b96b80>) has no segue
with identifier 'segueToRole''


So self.presentingViewController targets the UINavigationViewController, not the WelcomeViewController, which actually represents the modal. To be successful I need to find a way to get the view controller of the view that is defined in the storyboard as the segue creator from the modal .

I've tried many different combinations for example. self.parentViewController, self.presentationViewController, I even tried to loop through the navigation stack to highlight the WelcomeViewController and set it up as an object to do the segue, but nothing works.

Please help me.:)


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2 answers

If it were me, I would write delegate protocol

here in Modal VC

which you represent and do WelcomeViewController


. After rejecting it, WelcomeViewController

can you take over and move on to RoleViewController




What I did was send the host's link to the submitted instance.

This can be accomplished by setting the class reference view property on the presented class.

For example,

@property (strong, nonatomic) PresentingClass *presenter;



Then in the implementation of the view class

presentedClass.presenter = self;
[self presentViewController:presentedClass animated:YES completion:nil];


Finally, in the provided implementation, just call

  [presenter foo];


May I help. Let me know.



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