How to Unit Test this method?

I have a problem with unit Test this method. It seems clear to me at first, but then I have a hard time understanding how to effectively inject / mock my array in bdcontext

public class UrlValidation: AbstractValidator<UrlShortenerModel> 
        Uri uriResult;
        private EFDbContext context;

        public bool notExist(string url)
            //Check if The Url Exist . This is to stop replication of Urls.
            bool exist = context.Urls.Any(x => x.OriginalUrl == url);

            return (exist == false);



I want to test the notExist method. I started below and then wondered how to mock the meaning of my context for a class? Is there a way to present or mock the context? I'm using moq to mock my dummy data, but I just don't see it here. Also, it is not a controller class.

 public void Should_know_if_Url_Exist_or_Not()
            ArrayList arr = new ArrayList();
            arr.AddRange(new Url[]
                new Url{ UrlId = 0, UrlCode = "TYUR", OriginalUrl="", IpAddress="", PostedDate = DateTime.Now},
                new Url{ UrlId = 1, UrlCode = "TwUR", OriginalUrl="", IpAddress="", PostedDate = DateTime.Now},
                new Url{ UrlId = 2, UrlCode = "TkUR", OriginalUrl="", IpAddress="", PostedDate = DateTime.Now}






When I changed my test to

        public void Should_know_if_Url_Exist_or_Not()
            Mock<IUrlsRepository> mock = new Mock<IUrlsRepository>();
            mock.Setup(u => u.Urls).Returns(new Url[] { 
                new Url{ UrlId = 0, UrlCode = "TYUR", OriginalUrl="", IpAddress="", PostedDate = DateTime.Now},
                new Url{ UrlId = 1, UrlCode = "TwUR", OriginalUrl="", IpAddress="", PostedDate = DateTime.Now},
                new Url{ UrlId = 2, UrlCode = "TkUR", OriginalUrl="", IpAddress="", PostedDate = DateTime.Now}

            var validator = new UrlValidation(mock.Object);




and changed my validation class to

public IUrlShortenersRepository context;
public UrlValidation(IUrlShortenersRepository repo)
  context = repo;


My test run has no problem, however, it fails. But I was unable to start the project again. Bcos. My free validation class requires a parameter, which I'm not sure where to go. I have set the validation class in the model as shown below

    public class UrlShortenerModel
        //The Model for the Home form. The Url shortener form.
        public string strUrl { get; set; }
        public IEnumerable<Url> urlList { get; set; }



I'm not sure where to enter the parameter.

In the meantime, when I check the link below I get a clear example and so changed my test to

        public void Should_know_if_Url_Exist_or_Not()
            var arr = new List<Url>
                new Url{ UrlId = 0, UrlCode = "TYUR", OriginalUrl="", IpAddress="", PostedDate = DateTime.Now},
                new Url{ UrlId = 1, UrlCode = "TwUR", OriginalUrl="", IpAddress="", PostedDate = DateTime.Now},
                new Url{ UrlId = 2, UrlCode = "TkUR", OriginalUrl="", IpAddress="", PostedDate = DateTime.Now}

            var mockSet = new Mock<DbSet<Url>>();
            mockSet.As<IQueryable<Url>>().Setup(m => m.Provider).Returns(arr.Provider);
            mockSet.As<IQueryable<Url>>().Setup(m => m.Expression).Returns(arr.Expression);
            mockSet.As<IQueryable<Url>>().Setup(m => m.ElementType).Returns(arr.ElementType);
            mockSet.As<IQueryable<Url>>().Setup(m => m.GetEnumerator()).Returns(arr.GetEnumerator()); 

            var fakeContext = new Mock<EFDbContext>();
            fakeContext.Setup(ctx => ctx.Urls).Returns(mockSet.Object);

            var validator = new  UrlValidation();
            validator.context = fakeContext.Object;




I am getting an invalid installation error 'system.notsupportedexception on non-virtual error thrown in fakeContext.Setup(ctx => ctx.Urls).Returns(mockSet.Object);

. I suspect my EFDContext cannot be overrated as the user explains below. I'm not sure how to fix this. My EFDContext class is declared in context as shown below.

namespace UrlShortener.Domain.Concrete
    public class EFDbContext:DbContext
        public DbSet<Url> Urls { get; set; }


Then I changed the EFDContext properties to virtual here

namespace UrlShortener.Domain.Concrete
    public class EFDbContext:DbContext
        public virtual DbSet<Url> Urls { get; set; }


My test is now running system.TargetInvocationException With an inner exception "Cannot bind to the target method because its signature or security transparency is not compatible with that of the delegate type."}

. Message The type initializer for 'Castle.Proxies.DbSet

1Proxy 'throws an exception. The error has been dropped in

fakeContext.Setup(ctx => ctx.Urls).Returns(mockSet.Object);


source to share

1 answer

Typically, you inject dbcontext or any other costly / complex test dependency into the class under test using some form of dependency injection (as a public network device constructor argument, using a service locator ...).

This way, you can inject a fake unit test implementation that gets clogged with fake data and / or fake expectations when calling methods.

You can wrap a thin header interface around your EFDbContext class to allow unit testing, or you can just make some properties in the real EFDbContext virtual as described here .

public void Should_know_if_Url_Exist_or_Not()
            ArrayList arr = new ArrayList();
            arr.AddRange(new Url[]
                new Url{ UrlId = 0, UrlCode = "TYUR", OriginalUrl="", IpAddress="", PostedDate = DateTime.Now},
                new Url{ UrlId = 1, UrlCode = "TwUR", OriginalUrl="", IpAddress="", PostedDate = DateTime.Now},
                new Url{ UrlId = 2, UrlCode = "TkUR", OriginalUrl="", IpAddress="", PostedDate = DateTime.Now}

            var fakeContext = new Mock<EFDbContext>();
               .Setup(ctx => ctx.Urls)
            var validator = new UrlValidation(fakeContext.Object);






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