ERROR: prepared transaction does not exist in postgresql

I am getting the following error in PostgreSQL log (9.2) when running a Java EE application with JPA over Hibernate:

ERROR: prepared with the transaction identifier "131077_AAAAAAAAAAAAAP // fwAAAd5tKPBVp1XeAAAzfmx0Y2hpZS1ub2Rl_AAAAAAAAAAAP // fwAAAd5tKPBVp1XeAAAzpwAAAAAAAAAA" does not exist STATEMENT: ROLLBACK PREPARED '131077_AAAAAAAAAAAAAP // fwAAAd5tKPBVp1XeAAAzfmx0Y2hpZS1ub2Rl_AAAAAAAAAAAAAP // fwAAAd5tKPBVp1XeAAAzpwAAAAAAAAAA'

How can I optimize my settings to avoid this error? This happens intermittently.


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1 answer

This might be because prepared transactions are disabled by default. To enable them, edit postgresql.conf and set a value greater than 0.

max_prepared_transactions = 64




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