Reusing Enum.HasFlag for use in Mono 2.6

I am trying to convert Jint for use in Mono 2.6. Unfortunately Mono 2.6 doesn't have Enum.HasFlag and whatever they use in Jint. I should also add that I am fairly new to C #.

According to the MSDN page ( = vs. 110) .aspx ) the implementation should be

thisInstance And flag = flag


but that doesn't seem to make much sense. If these are all bitwise operations, shouldn't there be more of that?

thisInstance & flag == flag


So, the line I'm trying to change is

Writable = !fieldInfo.Attributes.HasFlag(FieldAttributes.InitOnly);


I'm stuck in

var thisInstance = fieldInfo.Attributes;
var thisFlag = FieldAttributes.InitOnly;
var hasFlag1 = thisInstance & thisFlag == thisFlag;
var hasFlag2 = thisInstance And thisFlag = thisFlag;
Writable1 = !hasFlag1;
Writable2 = !hasFlag2;


and understandably the compiler doesn't like any of them. For hasFlag1 I get

Operator '&' cannot be applied to operands of type 'System.Reflection.FieldAttributes' and 'bool'


And for hasFlag2:

Unexpected symbol 'And'


Just want to know if anyone knows how this should be done.



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1 answer

It seems that based on a compiler error, == takes precedence over &. So your string is evaluated like this: var hasFlag1 = thisInstance and (thisFlag == thisFlag);

What you want is this:

var hasFlag1 = (thisInstance & thisFlag) == thisFlag;


So if you add parentheses the compiler error should go away.

Most likely the And

VB equivalent&



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