Redmine How to upload and download a file inside a plugin?

I am trying to create a Redmine plugin and in this plugin I want to upload a file or image and also display an image or upload a file in the show action. can someone help me.

In the model

class UserInformation < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :project

  acts_as_attachable :view_permission => :view_files,
                    :edit_permission => :manage_files,
                    :delete_permission => :manage_files


In the controller

    class UserInformationsController < ApplicationController
      require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../../app/helpers/attachments_helper'
        include AttachmentsHelper
        helper :attachments


In new.html.erb

        <p> <%= render :partial => 'attachments/form' %></p>


In show.html.erb

    <%= link_to_attachments @info, :thumbnails => true %>


Can you help me, is this the right way?


source to share

2 answers

Redmine already has classes for working with attachments - model Attachment

, controller AttachmentsController

and attachments and helpers.

You can use them in your classes.

Add acts_as_attachable...

with the required parameters to the model class after the line unloadable

. Possible options:

  • Resolution options. For example :view_permission => :view_attachments_permissions

    , where view_attachments_permissions

    is a standard or legal plugin. If the user wants to download attachments, they must have a role with this permission, or this permission must be public (plugin permissions only - public options in the source code).
  • Behavior parameters (actions after adding, deleting, etc.).
  • And maybe other options.

Add <%= render :partial => 'attachments/form' %>

to your views.

And call the method save_attachments

in the controller when it saves your model instance. Or add attachments manually after saving the instance:

params[:attachments].each do |attachment_param|
    attachment = Attachment.where('filename = ?', attachment_param[1][:filename]).first
    unless attachment.nil?
        attachment.container_type =
        attachment.container_id =


Attachments are saved immediately after adding, but without information about the container

Also you can add attachments to existing redmine class using hotfix.

For example, I fixed the TimeEntry


require_dependency 'time_entry'

  module TimeEntryPatch

  def self.included(base) # :nodoc:
      base.send(:include, InstanceMethods)

      base.class_eval do
          unloadable # Send unloadable so it will not be unloaded in development
          acts_as_attachable :after_add => :attachment_added, :after_remove => :attachment_removed


You can see examples directly in the Redmine code.

Attachments are used issue

, Project

and some other models. I found the answers to my questions there!

To view the attached images, you can use plugins such as Lightbox 2 . Add the plugin to Redmine or copy its code and stylesheets to your plugin.



I did it in this plugin: . Check the relevant code.



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