How to add links to CheckBox text in android?

I am making a registration form where I need a checkbox to agree on a term and condition. So the problem is that the field text contains a link to the open web page (see image below). I am wondering if I can make a checkbox like TextView

using ClickableSpan


enter image description here

I have done it so far using below code:

The following method takes a string and returns SpannableString

which is checked.

private SpannableString makeSpannable(String text)
String temp = text;
Pattern pattern = Pattern
    .compile("<a href=[\\\"']([\\.^>^<\\w:/]*)[\\\"']>([^>^<.]*)</a>");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(text);
while (matcher.find())
    temp = temp.replace(, (;

SpannableString linkedString = new SpannableString(temp);
matcher = pattern.matcher(text);
while (matcher.find())

    final String href =;

    int index = temp.indexOf(;
    ClickableSpan clickable = new ClickableSpan() {

    public void onClick(View widget)
    linkedString.setSpan(clickable, index, index
        +, 0);
return linkedString;


t.setText (makeSpannable ( "Ich akzeptiere die <a href=''>AGB's</a> und <a href=''>Datenschutzerklärung</a> des Verlags"


Can anyone help me?


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