Scale Chrome app window based on screen size

I have a Chrome app with a specific window size of 1280x720 (the app is loaded into remote content that is set to those sizes)

I am using the following code in background.js file (name in manifest):'index.html', {
  'bounds': {
    'width': 1280,
    'height': 720


However, when running the app on a large TV (via ChromeBox) in kiosk mode, there is space on the right and bottom due to the app not scaling or scaling.

How can I get the app to fill the entire screen without changing the TV resolution (since this is only available for certain sets)?

I also tried adding "state": "fullscreen" to the background.js script (above) and it worked on my PC in the Chrome browser but didn't work on ChromeOS for some reason.


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3 answers

OK, so I got it using a combination of answers, so I'm posting the answer myself.

To make it work on ChromeBox and on my PC, I used the following in the backgorund.js file:'index.html', {
  'innerBounds': {
    'width': 1280,
    'height': 720,
    'minWidth': 1280,
    'minHeight': 720
  'state': 'fullscreen'




I think this is what you need:'index.html', {
'bounds': {
'width': 1280,
'height': 720 },
 "resizable": true,


Otherwise I think you will need to use setMinimumSize

and place your height

both width

as minWidth




After creating the window, check the borders of the screen and resize it accordingly! Use the window API from the Chrome platform and maximize it based on dimensions.



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