Spring Bean implementation of multiple interfaces

I have a bean that implements two interfaces. The barebones code looks like this:

interface InterfaceA {

interface InterfaceB {

public class ClassC implements InterfaceA, InterfaceB {


In my AppConfig, I specify the following:

@Bean(name = "InterfaceA")
public InterfaceA interfaceA() {
    return new ClassC();

@Bean(name = "InterfaceB")
public InterfaceB interfaceB() {
    return new ClassC();


And I use it like this:

public class MyClass {

    private final InterfaceA a;

    public MyClass(@Named("InterfaceA") InterfaceA a) {
        this.a = a;


However, Spring complains that:

No qualifying bean of type [com.example.InterfaceA] is defined: expected single bean match, but found 2: InterfaceA, InterfaceB

A similar question has been asked and answered for EJB here , but I couldn't find anything for Spring beans. Does anyone know the reason?

Workaround is to introduce a new interface that extends both InterfaceA

, and InterfaceB

then let them ClassC

implement it. However, I cannot change my design due to the limitations of the structure.


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1 answer

Spring is right ... when you write

@Bean(name = "InterfaceA")
public InterfaceA interfaceA() {
    return new ClassC();

@Bean(name = "InterfaceB")
public InterfaceB interfaceB() {
    return new ClassC();


Spring creates objects ClassC

, one named InterfaceA

, one InterfaceB

that implements InterfaceA and InterfaceB.

Then when you write:

private final InterfaceA a;


ask Spring to find a bean implementation InterfaceA

, but as said above there are 2, so the error is.

You can create just one object of type ClassC

or use annotations @Qualifier

or @Named


private final InterfaceA a;


So you are explicitly asking Spring to find a bean with a name InterfaceA

, and hopefully it is now unique.



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