NSPredicate does not work for filtering in ios

I have tried filtering NSPredicate. It doesn't work on NSMutableArray, but I tried on an array and it works fine.

Working code using array:

filterArray=[NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:@"Yvan",@"Balu",@"Srinath",@"Aswin",@"Ram", nil];
NSPredicate *bPredicate =[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"SELF beginswith[c] 'r'"];
NSArray *resultAr = [resultArray filteredArrayUsingPredicate:bPredicate];
NSLog(@"Output %@",resultAr);


correctly produces:

Output (


I've tried using NSMutableArray with dictionary data, but it doesn't work.

Framing the result array:

for(int i=0;i<[priceArray count];i++)
        cellDict=[[NSMutableDictionary alloc]init];
        NSString *nameStr=nameArray[i];
        [cellDict setObject:nameStr forKey:@"Name"];
        [cellDict setObject:@([splPriceArray[i] intValue]) forKey:@"Percentage"];
        [cellDict setObject:@([priceArray[i] intValue]) forKey:@"Price"];
        [resultArray addObject:cellDict];


Array of results:

        Name = "Black Eyed Peas";
        Percentage = 0;
        Price = 80;
        Name = "Black Gram";
        Percentage = 0;
        Price = 56;
        Name = "Channa White";
        Percentage = 0;
        Price = 100;
        Name = "Double Beans";
        Percentage = 0;
        Price = 95;
        Name = "Gram Dall";
        Percentage = 0;
        Price = 100;
        Name = "Green Moong Dal";
        Percentage = 0;
        Price = 150;
        Name = "Ground Nut";
        Percentage = 0;
        Price = 140;
        Name = "Moong Dal";
        Percentage = 0;
        Price = 75;
        Name = "Orid Dal";
        Percentage = 0;
        Price = 100;
        Name = "Toor Dal";
        Percentage = 0;
        Price = 150;


Trial predicates:

//  NSPredicate *predit=[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"Price contains[c] '100'"];

NSPredicate *pred=[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"(Price == %@) AND (Percentage == %@)", @"100",@"0"];

NSArray *resultAr = [resultArray filteredArrayUsingPredicate:predit];


Is this correct above or is there a better way to implement it to get:

expected output:
            Name = "Channa White";
            Percentage = 0;
            Price = 100;
            Name = "Gram Dall";
            Percentage = 0;
            Price = 100;
            Name = "Orid Dal";
            Percentage = 0;
            Price = 100;



source to share

1 answer

  • Should be Price

    not Price

    , should be Percentage


  • I think Percentage

    - typeNSNumber

I am testing

    NSDictionary * dic1 = @{
                        @"Name" : @"Black Eyed Peas",
                        @"Price" : @(80),
    NSDictionary * dic2 = @{
                        @"Name" : @"Black Eyed Peas",
                        @"Price" : @(100),
    NSMutableArray * mutableArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithArray:@[dic1,dic2]];
    NSPredicate *pred= [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"(Price == %@) AND (Percentage == %@)", @(100),@(0)];

    NSArray *resultAr = [mutableArray filteredArrayUsingPredicate:pred];



2015-07-20 22:11:44.535 OCTest[2192:79846] (
    Name = "Black Eyed Peas";
    Percentage = 0;
    Price = 100;




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