Make the <input> (and the enclosing <div>) automatically as wide as the content

If I have



how can i make the width both input

and containing div

automatically as wide as the text value currently presented. Specifically, I want the box to grow and shrink when the user edits the input.

Can I do this in pure CSS? Do I need to listen to events and update the style? How? (Note: the font in this case is a one-liner, so this will probably make it easier, although I'm interested in a general solution).


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2 answers

You can add an event listener input

that will run whenever the value changes.

And in this listener, update input



If the font is monospaced, it should work as desired.

document.querySelector('input').addEventListener('input', function() {
  this.size = this.value.length || 1;

input { font-family: monospace; }

<input size="1" />

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A pure CSS solution that might help you:

you can fake input

using span

then do contenteditable="true"

which is widely supported see here

span {
  border: 1px solid black;
  display: inline-block;
  white-space: nowrap;

  <span contenteditable="true">&nbsp;</span>

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