Display animation based on link extension #

Is it possible to set jQuery to catch the link # and display the animation from which it is hoisted?


Click link 1> /index.php#1 = ripple div 1

Click link 2> /index.php#2 = ripple div 2

Click link 3> /index.php#3 = ripple div 3

I currently have a manual / rules page and wants it to display the correct content when people get there from a specific link. I understand basic jQuery animations just by not giving them rules from the parent page.


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4 answers

1. Reading hash from URI

JS window.location.hash

will read the hash as "#1"

, which is a valid ID in HTML5

jQuery(function($) {
   $( window.location.hash ).addClass("pulsate");


where you have DIV elements like

<div id="div1">I'm DIV 1</div>


and CSS like

.pulsate {
  /* other styles here... */
  animation: pulsate 0.5s ease-in-out;
  animation-iteration-count: 5;                                    /* Pulsate 5 times */
@keyframes pulsate {
  0%    {transform: scale(1);}
  50%   {transform: scale(1.2);}


2. Reading the hash from the clicked link

If you are not interested in reading the URI hash, but you just have LInks like

<a class="animateButton" href="#div1">Animate DIV1</a>


than this is all you need:

$(".animateButton").on("click", function(){
  $( this.hash ).addClass("pulsate").on("animationend", function(){

.pulsate {
  background: orange;
  animation: pulsate 0.5s ease-in-out;
  animation-iteration-count: 3; 
@-webkit-keyframes pulsate {
  0%    {transform: scale(1);}
  50%  {transform: scale(1.1);}

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<a class="animateButton" href="#1">#1</a>
<a class="animateButton" href="#2">#2</a>
<a class="animateButton" href="#3">#3</a>

<div id="1">I'm DIV #1</div>
<div id="2">I'm DIV #2</div>
<div id="3">I'm DIV #3</div>

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It does not manage "from the parent page". You can get the hash parameter from the url of the page using location.hash


location.hash //-> will return #1

location.hash //-> will return #2


Then you can select it directly in the jQuery selector as $(location.hash)

. This will allow you to animate the target div.

$(document).ready(function() {
    //Do your animation



Remember divs with numeric IDs are only valid in HTML5



Here is the fiddle you are playing with. I didn't add animation, but leave it for you as an exercise. =]


<a href="#section1">sec1</a>
<a href="#section2">sec2</a>
<a href="#section3">sec3</a>



$("a").on('click', function(event){
    var t = event.target.toString();
    if (t.endsWith('1')){
        alert('animation 1');
    } else if (t.endsWith('2')){
            alert('animation 2');
    } else if (t.endsWith('3')){
            alert('animation 3');




You should listen for hash changes. Try using a plugin like hashchange.

      var hash = window.location.hash.replace("#",'');
  // remove previous animation from element if there one

  if(hash) {
    // do your animation adding class or with pure jquery
  return arguments.callee;  // return itself as the hashchange handler
})( )); // exec the first time and then at each hash changes


Remember to remove javascript class or animation fron previuos pulsing element.

jQuery hashchange plugin



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