Chrome Extension Error "Script -src" (Self Teach)

I am learning JavaScript after learning C ++ in school and I thought it would be good practice to try and build a Chrome extension. I am trying to access the OpenWeatherMap API to get the city id in order to search for the weather.

Here is the part of the code causing the problem:

var cityParam = $('#cityInput').val(); //ex. of cityParam = "New York"
        var cityURL = ""+ cityParam + "&type=like&sort=population&cnt=30";

        var cityJSON;

        $.getJSON(cityURL, function(data) {
            cityJSON = data;


The error I got from Chrome:

Refused to load the script [url] ... because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self' blob: filesystem: chrome-extension-resource:".


I did a google search and it looks like Chrome extensions are very strict about what you can and cannot do (ex: cannot inline javascript). Not very familiar with web development, I'm not really sure where to start looking for a solution to this problem.

The url returns (I believe) JSON but starts with an optional one ? ( and ends ) .

Thanks for the help!

Here is a screenshot of the error I took. Looks like red highlighted text from jQuery. Perhaps the URL I am passing in is not being handled by $ .getJSON ()? enter image description here

Edit 2:
I added the following suggestion as suggested by meda to my manifest, but the error still persists:

"permissions": [



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2 answers

The url includes callback=?

, this is a generic pattern for JSONP where the APIs that support it will wrap the JSON in a simple JavaScript function, The response data is passed to the JS function and escape the XHR browser restrictions. Just remove callback=?

from the API url and you should be fine.



This is not JSON, which is not valid, this is a security limitation of chrome applications.

You will need to give your app permission to load external url


This is done in the manifest file

"permissions": [




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