Google Play OAuth-2 Games: App Visibility on Google+

I am trying to resolve a Google+ issue and allow users to use the Google OAuth-2 app. More specifically, I believe that the authorization was successful when the user clicks "Accept" on the consent screen; using the oauth playground and auth / games area which looks like this:

However, if I then check the permissions of my app on the page, I see that the playground appears as visible for Only You: - even if on the consent screen, "Anyone on the Internet" was selected. Since I am using Google Play Leaderboard Games, the result is that no one can see the leaderboard entries until they manually adjust it to "Public" visibility.

Can anyone explain the reason or workaround for this? Many thanks.


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1 answer

I have seen issues like this, my scores were not publicly posted on the leaderboard. Then I realized that this is only for users whose email address is defined as the tester's email. I could see the grades posted publicly after these emails were removed from the testers list.



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